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cygnet 3:38 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Do Referees do any homework at all. Something along the lines of typing 'Salah diving' into Google brings up any number of gifs of the stubby little twat tripping over feathers. Yet the clueless pricks give pens and free kicks over and over again?

Sir Alf 3:30 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Yes Salah dived but that is allowed and part of the game now since foreign players came in for the money. We now play to the rules interpretation of South America and Southern Europe from what I can see? The warmer countries. The Latino players always saw gamesmanship or cheating as we used to call it as part of the game. They congratulate their team mates for getting pens and players sent off like we would for a strong tackle.

It will not change now. Arfur showed no intelligence and no surprise as he has done this several times in the past with giving away pens and handballs.

FIFA may as well change the rules. No tackling in the penalty area. Just have to have a wall of players blocking which us what you see nowadays almost?
FIFA always dominated by South American influence probably? It’s why the rules went that way. Protect the namby pAmby beach players

twoleftfeet 3:27 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Who is our penalty taker now?

Eerie Descent 3:24 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
I don't care what Masuaku did, the dirty cheating cunt dived.

Once again, if that's a penalty, we should've had 5 this season. We had none, unsurprisingly.

boleynkid 3:11 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread

Salah has a reputation for a good reason but Masuaku didn't help by stopping and making himself look guilty.

ChillTheKeel 2:59 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Arthur's reaction didn't help. He should've screamed for the tart to get up instead of his 'I'm guilty as sin, guv' look.

Eerie Descent 2:39 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
He dived ffs. There was not nearly enough contact to make someone fall over like that.

If you're giving penalties for that, how the fuck have we not been given 5 penalties this season?

boleynkid 2:37 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
It was clear to all of us that Haller couldn't do that job but he went with it anyway and guess what it didn't work. We also know that Haller only works if they play 4-4-2 or any formation where players get around him ie like Fornals did when he got his flick on and should have scored or passed to Bowen.

To Moyes credit he has stuck with a role for Masuaku and it has worked but we all know he will never be a defender and yesterday he found himself in that position and (not for the first time) didn't have the discipline to deal with the situation. Didn't help either that he stood around like a naughty schoolboy when he made the challenge rather than carry on like nothing had happened. He pretty much helped to make the ref's decision for him.

Like Masuaku, Yarmolenko often holds on to the ball for too long and yesterday (not for the first time) lost possession and it led to their winner. It is an issue Moyes has to sort out.

Pagey 2:18 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
If we had Antonio yesterday we would have won the game with ease. Liverpool were there for the taking but we missed his physical presence up front.

Haller had his big chance and totally blew it. You can excuse anyone having a poor game but you can’t excuse his blatant lack of effort. All he had to do was run and he couldn’t even be bothered to do that. The bloke is laughing in the face of every fan with his lack of giving a shit and he needs to go as soon as possible.

It’s too late now but Pellegrini needs to be made accountable for the shocking signings of Anderson and Haller. We were all rightly excited with both signings, purely because of the money spent, but I don’t think there was any due diligence done on either to see how they would fit in. Both are clearly here for the money and the sooner we get rid the better.

Salah did go over easily for the penalty but it was a definite penalty. Masuaku gave the ref no choice with a stupid challenge.

Overall we have to be happy with our start to the season but the home game against Fulham will tell us exactly where we are or if we still just turn up against the big teams.

Sajmo1 2:16 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
360 the fact is that he needs to be playing in a different system. If Moyes can't come up with a system he'd fit in then why play him in a system where literally everyone knows he'll fail? You either change the system or don't play him. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

zico 2:14 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Watching Haller yesterday I found that he strolled to "try" and close down individual defenders when they had the ball. When he got there, the ball had long gone, so off he jogged to the next one and again the ball had gone when he got there. Antonio tends from what I've seen to close down across the line rather than each player individually, plus he is a lot quicker. He also switched with Fornals and Bowen at times, but you can't see Haller running down the wing. He just doesn't slot into this formation but do you change it just for one player?

threesixty 2:06 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
I’m trying desparately hard to not be negative about Haller. I’ll reserve my final judgement after Fulham.

The only question I will ask those who think we are not putting this 45m “goal machine” with the right formation / players around him is:

Can anyone name me a striker similar to him in the premier league that is doing well?

Yes there are slowish strikers but he is slower than Giroud and maybe the same speed as Andy caroll. Both players are years older than him and have had several injuries. Both caroll and giroud are not starters for their clubs by the way.

So I’d like to understand how Haller would fit into any PL 1st team as a lead striker in 2020?

Given his general skill, pace and movement. And if you can’t find a team he would be good in, why would you change West Ham’s who’s team around to accommodate a player that wouldn’t feature in any of the other teams in the league?

GreenStreetPlayer 1:48 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
The plaudits for the new young Liverpool centre back. His next game he will have a torrid time up against another forward.
It was a dream for him to have Haller playing, sorry strolling about.

goose 1:21 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
In the context of PL mitrovic is slow, Barnes & Chris Woods are slow, Joelinton is slow, Benteke is slow, Giroud is slow, Haller is just as slow but seems unwilling to put himself about.

Sajmo1 1:18 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Can't see the correlation between my post and your response tbf. You asked me to name a slow striker who's doing well and I did

jfk 1:11 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
You was the one that said slow.Its obvious strikers don't have to be sprinters but they can't be slow.

jfk 1:05 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
I disagree there aren't any "slow" strikers in the premiership barring Haller who I think would struggle to be a regular in The Championship side.

Sven Roeder 1:01 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Hoddle in his tiny little shorts would also be lapping up all the GAY POUND sponsorship deals.
Hope you told your fellow criminals that Hoddle wasnt fit to lace Sir Trevor's boots. Its not Sir Glenn is it?

twoleftfeet 12:53 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
I was at an illegal dinner party last night ( more than 6 ) and we got to discussing Brooking and Hoddle and it was agreed that in this current era of bowling green pitches, no tackling and referees over protection that both would be superstars worth over £100m each.

El Scorchio 12:48 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Harry Kane isn’t exactly rapid either but he seems to do ok.

Sven Roeder 12:44 Sun Nov 1
Re: ⚽ Liverpool v West Ham - Official Match Thread
What was the ruling when Garcia took Antonio's legs before the ball?
Mohammed Salmon gets a tap on the ankle and leaps sideways

And the pointless VAR refuses to over rule either

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